Sunday 12 June 2016

Three Dimensional Concept of FooD

There is an old saying,'You are what you eat'. Why do we really need food or nutrition?. The basic concept is not that 'we need energy' which is a limited answer but that if we don't, we become victims of 'Undernourishment' or 'Malnourishment'. That's the root reason of our Nutritional Requirement.
So now you are gonna say, OK what's the big deal. Well let me ask you something. ''Have you ever thought how extensive some concepts are and how we limit them in our daily life.'' Food is one such Ignored concept.
Human being interacts simultaneously in three dimensions(I am not talking about space). When we often discuss food, we refer to Physical food. But then there is Spiritual Food.
Imam Ghazali had this amazing insight of food. In his famous Book 'Ihya' Ulum al-Din' (The Revival of Sciences of Deen)' or more compactly as the '' The Revival of Knowledge', he talks about the need of 'Spiritual Food'. We can derive a Rule that 'Food is Basic requirement of Human being, we need it to maintain our Beings'.
Now in the light of this rule, we see that just as we need Physical Food to Maintain our Physical Being, we need Spiritual Food to maintain our Souls as well. In our Deen Islam, Quran is considered the Nutrition of Soul, as both the Quran and Soul comes from Allah directly. The Quran describes the effect of Quran on Soul in a mesmerising style as 'Light upon Light' [1] (نُورٌ عَلَىٰ نُورٍ)  i.e. The Light of Quran serves to amplify the Soul.
Similarly you might often have heard from some wise guy about the necessity of Food for Thought. If you didn't, don't worry you are now hearing it from a wise guy. Food for Thought is composed of Knowledge and Wisdom. If you don't get your Physical foods properly, undernourishment would result in Loss of Physical Mass. If you don't get your Intellectual food on daily basis, the effect is going to be similar to Physical Malnutrition but just of different Nature. You would experience 'Loss of Intellectual Mass'. You would start forgetting things and experience 'Loss of Memory'. Just like your Physical Body gets disturbed if you don't get Physical Nutrition. Your Processes of thinking would be disturbed if you don't get right Intellectual Nutrition.
But also remember not to eat more than your need. There's a famous quote that I think would suffice for now: 'Eat your food as medicine, Otherwise you'll have to eat medicine as your food'.
[1] Quran 24:35

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